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  1. An, X., Kraetschmer, T., Takami, K., Sanders, S. T., Ma, L., Cai, W., … Gord, J. R. (2011). Validation of temperature imaging by H 2 O absorption spectroscopy using hyperspectral tomography in controlled experiments. Applied Optics, 50(4), A29–A37.
  2. Whitney, J. M., Takami, K., Sanders, S. T., & Okura, Y. (2011). Design of system for rugged, low-noise fiber-optic access to high-temperature, high-pressure environments. IEEE Sensors Journal, 11(12), 3295–3302.
  3. Takami, K. (2015). Non-Field-of-View Acoustic Target Estimation.
  4. Takami, K., Furukawa, T., Kumon, M., Kimoto, D., & Dissanayake, G. (2016). Estimation of a nonvisible field-of-view mobile target incorporating optical and acoustic sensors. Autonomous Robots, 40(2), 343–359.


  1. Kumon, M., Kimoto, D., Takami, K., & Furukawa, T. (2013). Acoustic recursive Bayesian estimation for non-field-of-view targets. In 2013 14th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS) (pp. 1–4). IEEE.
  2. Furukawa, T., Takami, K., Tong, X., Watman, D., Hamed, A., Ranasinghe, R., & Dissanayake, G. (2015). Map-Based Navigation of an Autonomous Car Using Grid-Based Scan-to-Map Matching. In ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (pp. V003T01A005–V003T01A005). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  3. Takami, K., Liu, H., Makoto, K., Furukawa, T., & Dissanayake, G. (2016). Recursive Bayesian estimation of NFOV target using diffraction and reflection signals. In Information Fusion (FUSION), 2016 19th International Conference on (pp. 1923–1930). ISIF.
  4. Takami, K., Taheri, S., Taheri, M., & Furukawa, T. (2013). Prediction of railroad track foundation defects using wavelets. In 2013 Joint Rail Conference (pp. V001T01A008–V001T01A008). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  5. Takami, K., & Furukawa, T. (2015). High-Resolution Deformation Measurement System for Fast Rotating Tires. In ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (pp. V008T13A058–V008T13A058). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  6. Takami, K., Furukawa, T., Kumon, M., & Mak, L. C. (2015). Non-field-of-view indoor sound source localization based on reflection and diffraction. In Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI), 2015 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 59–64). IEEE.
  7. Takami, K., Furukawa, T., Kumon, M., & Dissanayake, G. (2016). Non-field-of-view acoustic target estimation in complex indoor environment. In Field and Service Robotics (pp. 577–592). Springer International Publishing.
  8. Kumon, M., Kimoto, D., Takami, K., & Furukawa, T. (2013). Bayesian non-field-of-view target estimation incorporating an acoustic sensor. In Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on (pp. 3425–3432). IEEE.
  9. Takami, K., Furukawa, T., Kumon, M., & Dissanayake, G. (2016). Non-field-of-view acoustic target estimation in complex indoor environment. In Field and Service Robotics (pp. 577–592). Springer International Publishing.