Research Interests

My research interests lie in the field of robotics, especially developing systems relating perception:

  • Robot perception
  • Multimodal Sensor and information fusion
  • Learning from human capability and extending or assisting human perception

Past and current projects

non-field-of-view target localization and tracking through a probabilistic framework, autonomous systems, Bayesian estimation and control, Sensor network, Auditory sensing/ Robot audition, Mobile robots

Multiple UAV autonomous exploration

Exploration of an unknown environment with multiple autonomous aerial vehicles.

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non-field-of-view Target Estimation

NFOV Target Estimation

The mobile target estimation in Non-Field-of-View conditions.

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MBZIRC: International Robotics Challenge


The previous work on international robotics challenge.

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Mapping for autonomous driving.

Map-base navigation of an autonomous car using grid-based approach.

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Mobile robots


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Mobile manipulator robots

Mobile manipulator projects

Self-Driving Vehicle Team (SDVT)

An autonomous vehicle team that aims to shape the next generation of autonomous vehicle technology.

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RoboCar PHV/HV

Start-up company: ZMP autonomous RoboCar

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Start-up company: ZMP autonomous RoboCar

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